Web Developer specialist in Front End, working on Back End too. Development of websites and games since 2003.
I use agile methodologies ( Scrum and the Pomodoro Technique ) to manage teams and my work, Tests and Tasks automation to ensure a more reliable result.
I use techniques and good pratice of Design and UX (User Experience) to create screens. I make the wireframe, the PSDs and after all approved, the code.
I've worked using Java, PHP, C#, Grails, GML, Python, Ruby, but I have more experience with JavaScript,
using tools like:
jQuery, AngularJS, React.js, Node.JS, Expressjs, KendoUI, Meteor, PhoneGap, Cordova, Jasmine, Bootstrap, Bower, Grunt, Gulp,
Yeoman, Protractor, Karma, Browserify, WebPack, ES2015, ES2016, etc.
About Databases, I've worked with MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Redis.
Dec/2015 ~ Present
Apr/2018 ~ Nov/2018
Oct/2014 ~ Jan/2015
Jul/2014 ~ Present
Jun/2013 ~ Jun/2014
Jan/2013 ~ Dec/2013
Jul/2012 ~ Dec/2012